Our Team

A couple of practitioners on a mission to educate and empower others.

Meet Kristy

A Nutritionist specializing in chronic illness and bio-resonance

Krisy’s health journey began after recovering from a 10-year battle with Bulimia, chronic gut issues, and hormonal imbalances. For a long time, conventional doctors described her as “young and fine.”; she was made to feel like my symptoms were all in her head. After countless rounds of antibiotics, and anti-depressants, and receiving a diagnosis of Hashimoto’s disease, Kristy was told she would require medication for the rest of her life. Many years later, through the use of bio-resonance, she discovered root-cause answers: chronic mold exposure, parasites, heavy metals, Lyme & Co-infections, & more.

This journey led Kristy to the world of holistic health where she began learning about supporting the body, chronic illness, detoxification, and more. In time, she not only healed herself but developed a passion to share this knowledge with others. It became her mission to help those struggling to find answers to their health concerns through a bio-individual root cause approach to healing. Kristy has since worked with over 500 clients and holds 15+ certifications ranging from homeopathy to herbalism, Autism, Lyme Disease & more.

Please note: Kristy is not taking new clients at this time. She continues to run scans and compile reports for the team while serving her established clients.

Meet Maddie

Professional Level III Mind Body Spirit Release Practitioner and Kristy’s Virtual Assistant

Refusing to accept what’s often considered “normal” for women suffering from sub-optimal health, Maddie became a practitioner to educate women as they pursue their own journey to a better quality of life and overall well-being. Along with her training, education, and what she refers to as her “wellness tool kit” of modalities, she uses aspects of her own story- one of navigating mysterious symptoms, anxiety, digestive disruption, and more- to come alongside others and support them on their own journeys to vibrancy. Her mission is simple: to empower others to shift from surviving to thriving by exploring root causes and finding whole-person nourishment in body, mind, and spirit.

Please note: Maddie will be opening spots for new clients for Mind Body Spirit Release sessions only come Summer 2024.

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Our associate practitioners that work with 1:1 clients book consultations through their inidivudal businesses and run all bio-resonance scans through Rooted in Wellness Co.

Meet Sophia

Associate Practitioner

Sophia became a health Practitioner after supporting her husband through a health crisis in which they were met with gaslighting by countless allopathic & naturopathic professionals, stool tests, blood panels, and a myriad of protocols and supplements, all missing a key piece: addressing the root cause.

Supporting clients as they peel back layers of dysfunction with a root-cause approach, her #1 goal is to partner with others as they uncover the root of their dis-ease, and help them reclaim power over their health.

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Meet Ashley

Associate Practitioner

Having the opportunity to work with a holistic doctor at a Nutritional Wellness Center in Plano, TX, Ashley’s life changed forever as she was reminded of her innate wisdom, timeless nutritional truths, and understanding that healing doesn’t come from a deficit and a pill bottle, but instead a lifestyle that matches that of our ancestors. This experience ignited her passion for helping people find the root cause of their dysfunction and heal from chronic illness.

Ashley became a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and pursued additional training to better support others in their healing journeys. Utilizing bio-resonance scans and functional blood work helps her build upon her knowledge of foundational health and nutrition, as she creates a roadmap for clients to find optimal health and healing. Ashley loves staying up to date with the latest trends, fads, and the always-consistent ancestral wisdom that we are now relearning to gain a better understanding of what true health and wellness are and how one can obtain it.

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Get the E-Book:

After the Bite

An all-in-one guide on what to do if you were exposed to a tick bite! Including protocols, testing info, symptom check sheets, resources, recipes and more!


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