One of the main drivers of Lyme Disease is aluminum, per Dr. Klinghardt.
In a recent educational Lyme webinar by Dr. Klinghardt, he mentioned how he sees those who most often deal with chronic Lyme, or those who most often have significant symptoms from Lyme have aluminum at play.
He discussed a research article that confirmed what he sees in his practice.
“No lyme treatment will be successful without addressing aluminum, and other heavy metals…We cannot successfully treat Lyme without getting the aluminum down.”
I found this to be really interesting, as utilizing my qest 4 bio resonance machine shows a similar pattern. Aluminum is the most common heavy metal that resonates. Further more, I do see it in those with chronic Lyme who have tried the conventional approach of just addressing Lyme (with antibiotics or herbals) and not the full picture, including heavy metals.
How do we get aluminum?
Most common exposures include: Off gas of transportation, deodorants, cans, aluminum foil, aluminum cookware, tap water and other structural materials. It is also used as an adjuvant in many vaccines, dental work and is in chem trails. Aluminum also has the potential of being passed down, so aluminum can be a generational pattern.
Aluminum is connected to neurotoxicity, Alzheimer’s, breast issues, hyperacidity, decrease in bone density, inflammation, dandruff, neurological conditions and dementia.
It accumulates in the kidney, brain, lungs, liver and thyroid where it competes with calcium for absorption and can affect skeletal mineralization.
It can slow growth in infants and play a role in endocrine disorders, among other things. It also interferes with the body’s process of creating new RBC’s, especially in people with underlying iron deficiency.
He also went on to say that the recipe for Alzhiemer’s is:
“You need spirochetes (Lyme), you need aluminum and you need herpes simplex.”
As always, it’s important to find a practitioner and utilizing bio resonance to help find these sneaky toxins that typically don’t show up/ or aren’t considered on conventional testing is key.